
 今日は、川崎でショッピング(の同行)。ラゾーナ川崎ではアレカヤシが室内植栽されていました。2006年に沖縄から移植されたそうです。  アレカヤシを巡って

アレカヤシ、Dypsis lutescens
、Syn. Chrysalidocarpus lutescens
英名:英名:Areca Palm、Yellow Butterfly Palm, Golden Cane Palm, Madagascar Palm, Bamboo Palm
 マダガスカル産のヤシ科高木で雌雄異株。熱帯域の国々でその実である檳榔子びんろうじ(Areca nut)が嗜好品として利用される檳榔樹びんろうじゅ(Areca catechu)とは別属で、檳榔樹は雌雄同株。ラゾーナ川崎では実がないようでしたから、雄株なのかもしれません。
 別名の『ヤマドリヤシ』の漢字表記を『山鳥椰子』としているウェブサイトもあるようですが、ヤマドリ(Syrmaticus soemmerringii)が本邦固有種であって熱帯域には分布しないことから考えても『山取椰子』が正しいと思われます。種小名の『lutescens』の意味は『淡黄色の, やや黄色い』で、主幹(crownshaft)の色に因んだ命名です。
 なお、観葉植物用に普及しているアレカヤシは、あまり大きくはならない栽培品種が殆どで、その中で最も普及しているDypsis lutescensCompacta‘は、幹だけでなく葉軸も黄色くなるのが特徴だそうです。

Ellison D and Ellison A(2001)Dypsis lutescens, In Cultivated Palms of the World, p103-104, UNSW Press, Australia.

Dypsis lutescens
SYNONYMS Chrysalidocarpus varonii var. littoralis, Chrysalidocarpus glaucesens, Chrysalidocarpus lutescens
COMMON NAMES Butterfly palm, Golden cane palm
The open forests of Madagascar are the native habitat of this very popular species. A clumping palm of medium height, it is one of the world’s most commonly cultivated palms. Forming thick clumps, it has yellowish crownshafts and a head of arching, pinnate fronds. It prefers subtropical to tropical climates, but will grow in warm-temperature areas with protection and can tolerate full sun and coastal conditions. Mature fruit is yellow and fresh seed germinates readily within 8 weeks.

D. lutescens cv. ‘Compacta
This type has been developed in horticulture and selected as an outstanding dwarf future palm. It is a compact, small clumping palm with yellowish crownshafts and leaf stems. It is one of the most common cultivars and requires a sunny aspect in a warm climate. Propagation is by division.

D. lutescens cv. ‘Nana
This horticultural cultivar is a very dwarf-growing form of D. lutescens. It is very bushy and grows to less than one third of the height of the normal form. It requires an open, sunny aspect in a tropical to warm-temperate climate and makes an ideal container specimen. It is propagated by division.

D. lutescens cv. ‘Rotundum
This rare cultivar was developed from the Golden cane palm, which is native to Madagascar. The variant has longer, much finer leaflets and grows upright. It is an ideal petted plant, as it is a more compact form of D. lutescens, but it id not widely available. It requires a warm-temperate to tropical climate and a sunny position. Propagation is by division.

D. lutescens cv. ‘Sleeping Beauty
Cultivated in Thailand, this palm was bred from D. lutescens, which originated in Madagascar. A small and compact form, it has very dense and pendulous foliage and much paler leaves than D. lutescens. Although rare in cultivation, it makes an excellent container palm and prefers an old sunny aspect in tropical to subtropical climates. Propagation id by division.

D. lutescens cv. ‘Variegata
This palm originated in the forests of Madagascar, but a chance variation of D. lutescens in Thailand brought about the variegated-leaf cultivar. it is a compact and bushy palm with pale green and cream leaves. It is rarely seen in cultivation, but requires a tropical climate and full sun, with plenty of moisture and organic soil. Propagation id by division.

D. lutescens cv. ‘Viroj
Information about this cultivar is unclear and little id known of its origin, but it is a variation of hybrid of D. lutescens. A bushy palm with multiple trunks that form dense clumps, it is cultivated in Southeast Asia and is available there from specialist palm nurseries. It requires a tropical to subtropical climate and an open, Sunny position. It is propagate by division.


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